Automated Documentation


chrso - the leanest (perhaps), meanest (if you look at it right) URL shortener written with Flask in the entire world (maybe...).


chrso.main.flash(message, type_=None)

Replacement to Flask’s flash() for “magic” functionality in chr. If you want to use the real flash, use _flash() or flask.flash itself.

flash(“SOMETHING”, “error”) if things go wrong flash(“SOMETHING”, “success”) if things go right


It’s kind of expected for this to be empty - the main file is just Flask related CRUD.


chrso.url.add(long_, statistics, burn, short=None, ua=None, ip=None, ptime=None, delete=None)

Shorten a long URL and add it to our database.

  • long – the long URL we’re wishing to shorten
  • statistics – should we bother enabling statistics for the shortened URL? {0,1} or {True,False} please
  • burn – should this be a “burn after reading” URL?
  • short – an optional custom URL
  • ua – the user-agent of the person the URL was shortened by.
  • ip – the IP address the URL was shortened by
  • ptime – the time of the shorten (time.time() is used if omitted)
  • delete – the deletion key that can be used to remove the url by the user.

False if url add failed, (slug, delete) otherwise


Grab the key usable for deleting a URL.

Parameters:ident – an identifier for the URL we want info about.

Find out whether the given ident (URL, usually) exists.

Parameters:ident – an identifier for the URL we want info about.
chrso.url.hit(ident, ua=None, ip=None, ptime=None)

Add a ‘hit’ to the database for a given URL. If the given URL is a “burn after reading” url, it will be expunged by this function. If the given URL has statistics turned off, this won’t do anything unless we’re removing a burn after reading URL.

  • ident – an identifier for the URL we want to add a hit to.
  • ua – the user-agent of the user
  • ip – the IP of the user
  • ptime – the time the hit occured (None means current time)

Find all the corresponding hits for a given ident.

Parameters:ident – an identifier for the URL we want to get hits for.

Get the long URL from a shortened ident.

Parameters:ident – an identifier for the URL we want info about.

This is just a convenience function so rather than putting schema.thing.format(blah) everywhere, we just schema.thing(blah)


Remove a shortened URL from our database.

Parameters:ident – an identifier for the URL we want to remove.

Get the numerical row id for an ident.

Parameters:ident – an identifier for the URL we want info about.

Find out whether or not the given URL is a burn after reading URL.

Parameters:ident – an identifier for the URL we want info about.
chrso.url.stats(ident, clip=35)

Pull a bunch of statistics about the given ident. Click statistics, useragents, long URL, all the good stuff.

  • ident – an identifier for the URL we want to get stats for.
  • clip – the length to “clip” down long URLs to. (so they can be displayed to end-users cleanly)


Note: Taken from the public domain (namely: Stack Overflow), so this isn’t my documentation.

Converts any integer into a base [BASE] number. I have chosen 62 as it is meant to represent the integers using all the alphanumeric characters, [no special characters] = {0..9}, {A..Z}, {a..z}

I plan on using this to shorten the representation of possibly long ids, a la url shorteners

saturate() takes the base 62 key, as a string, and turns it back into an integer dehydrate() takes an integer and turns it into the base 62 string


Turn an integer [integer] into a base [BASE] number in string representation

Handles negatives by prefixing with a special character [NEGATIVE_BUFFER] and using the positive.


Turn the base [BASE] number [key] into an integer Handles negatives by returning the negative.


Turns an integer [integer] into digit in base [BASE] as a character representation.


Turns a digit [char] in character representation from the number system with base [BASE] into an integer.


Borrowed this from werkzeug commits since it’s not on PyPI yet:

class chrso.proxyfix.ProxyFix(app, num_proxies=1)

This middleware can be applied to add HTTP proxy support to an application that was not designed with HTTP proxies in mind. It sets REMOTE_ADDR, HTTP_HOST from X-Forwarded headers.

If you have more than one proxy server in front of your app, set num_proxies accordingly.

Do not use this middleware in non-proxy setups for security reasons.

The original values of REMOTE_ADDR and HTTP_HOST are stored in the WSGI environment as werkzeug.proxy_fix.orig_remote_addr and werkzeug.proxy_fix.orig_http_host.

  • app – the WSGI application
  • num_proxies – the number of proxy servers in front of the app.

Selects the new remote addr from the given list of ips in X-Forwarded-For. By default it picks the one that the num_proxies proxy server provides. Before 0.9 it would always pick the first.

New in version 0.8.

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